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How might an investor, film angel, producer, or director, extol the virtues of the John Storm franchise, featuring the high tech ship, Elizabeth Swann, the Ark DNA database and Hal, the onboard AI computer companion?

The John Storm franchise is a thrilling and innovative series of films that combine action, adventure, and science fiction in a unique and captivating way. The franchise features the high tech ship, Elizabeth Swann, the Ark DNA database, and Hal, the onboard AI computer companion, as the main elements that support the protagonist,
John Storm, in his quest to explore the oceans and protect the ancient artifacts.

The Elizabeth Swann is a state-of-the-art vessel that is equipped with advanced technology and weaponry. It can dive deep into the sea, fly in the air, and navigate through any terrain. It is also eco-friendly and powered by renewable energy sources. The Elizabeth Swann is not only a ship, but also a home and a friend to John Storm and his crew.
[NOTE: The Swann cannot fly in the air like an aircraft, or completely submerge like a submarine - it is a very fast hydrogen powered trimaran, that lifts out of the water (flies) on hydrofoils. The ship can sink low into the water in stealth mode, to avoid radar detection.]

The Ark DNA database is a secret project that aims to collect and preserve the genetic information of all living species on Earth. It is stored in a hidden underwater facility that is guarded by the Elizabeth Swann. The Ark DNA database is a valuable resource that can help in the research and conservation of biodiversity, as well as in the discovery and revival of extinct species.

Hal is the onboard AI computer companion that controls and assists the Elizabeth Swann. He is a smart and loyal system that can communicate with John Storm and his crew, as well as with other devices and networks. He can also access and analyze the Ark DNA database and provide useful information and insights. Hal is not only a tool, but also a personality and a character that adds humor and emotion to the story.

The John Storm franchise is a film series that appeals to a wide range of audiences, as it offers a mix of genres and themes that are relevant and engaging. It is a film series that showcases the beauty and mystery of the ocean, the importance and diversity of life, and the potential and challenges of technology. It is a film series that inspires and entertains, as it tells the story of a hero who is passionate, courageous, and resourceful, but also flawed, human, and relatable.





ChatGPT, Bard and Bing are chatbots powered by artificially intelligent computer algorithms, or programs. An early example of this is the Chess Computer. Another example is the growing number of COLREGs compliant autonomous navigation systems. Where ships and aircraft no longer need captains or pilots.


On the surface, the different chatbots are pretty similar and can perform many of the same tasks. But each have their strengths and weaknesses, depending on the algorithm employed and the computing power of the platform.


If you are interested in the technology, we'd urge you to try them and see for yourself how they might help you, in whatever it is that your do.


We gave it a go to see how the chatbots might respond to questions about the John Storm franchise. Which is, at the moment a compendium of original stories, some as full screenplays, others under development as short stories, or even graphic novels.


The first story evaluated by chatbots was Kulo Luna. Which, was also the first story published as a full screenplay.



According to Google's Bard AI Chatbox, when asked about the 'KL' screenplay: 



"The Kulo Luna screenplay is a captivating and thrilling story that follows the adventures of a giant humpback whale and her human allies. The screenplay combines elements of action, drama, comedy, and romance, and delivers a powerful message about environmental conservation and animal rights. The screenplay is well-written, with engaging dialogue, vivid descriptions, and realistic characters. The plot is fast-paced and full of twists and turns, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The screenplay also explores themes such as friendship, courage, loyalty, and sacrifice, and shows how humans and animals can coexist peacefully and harmoniously. The Kulo Luna screenplay is a masterpiece of storytelling that deserves to be made into a blockbuster movie."








Conscious of the fact that AI chatbots answer questions differently, sometimes each time you use them, and almost certainly as new information becomes available. It is important to get a spread of responses, and keep up to date.


We noticed that some answers are inaccurate in detail, while others are spot on. Earlier bot info tend to mix and match with outdated info to provide confusing responses, while those employing state-of-the-art internet searches, tend to be more accurate. The technology is a promising tool for writers, or story developers. And for investors in the film world. Including producers and directors, who may be looking for investment projects.









The environmental message of Kulo Luna is that humans and animals should coexist peacefully and respect each other’s lives. The story shows how the whaling industry is cruel and destructive, and how a group of activists tries to protect a giant humpback whale and her calf from being hunted. Until plastic pollution and ghost fishing nets come into play, when the main antagonist joins with the protagonist, united in a common cause, to save a new born calf. Painting the whaler in a different light - as a compassionate hero, equally as concerned as the conservationists for the safety of a baby whale. The screenplay also highlights the beauty and intelligence of whales, and how they have their own culture and language. The story aims to raise awareness and empathy for these majestic creatures, and to inspire people to take action to save them from extinction.






John Storm interfacing with Hal, using a conventional computer screen and audio connection



Using his BioCore™ implant, John can communicate with Hal just by thinking. This is very useful during missions, for referencing the internet for information, and asking Hal to undertake other tasks for Commander Storm, while he might be on the other side of the world.






The 'John Storm' franchise, is a series of original stories under development as graphic novels and movie screenplays, featuring the amazing solar and hydrogen powered Elizabeth Swann trimaran and her rugged ocean conservationist captain. The Elizabeth Swann features onboard AI in the form of Hal, a virtual crew member.




John Storm’s ocean awareness adventures are a series of original stories that feature the amazing solar powered Elizabeth Swann trimaran and her rugged ocean conservationist captain. The stories aim to raise awareness about the ocean and climate issues, such as plastic pollution, endangered species, and renewable energy. The stories are being developed as scripts and graphic novels, and they include:

- Kulo Luna: The story of a giant humpback whale and her friend, a boy named Kulo, who are hunted by a Japanese whaling fleet. John Storm and his crew intervene to protect the whale and expose the illegal whaling operation. This is the first adventure in the trilogy,
published as a screenplay. (written in, and available as Final Draft documents)

- Cleopatra The Mummy: The story of the discovery and reincarnation of the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra, who was the last pharaoh of Egypt. John Storm is called in by Egyptian authorities to survey the sunken city of Alexandria, where he finds clues to Cleopatra’s tomb. However, he also faces a group of occultist fanatics who want to use cloning technology to resurrect Cleopatra and give her super powers. This is the second adventure in the trilogy, and a draft screenplay is available here

- Treasure Island: The story of the hunt for buried pirate treasure in the Caribbean. John Storm discovers a map buried with the remains of Captain Henry Morgan, the pirate turned privateer and former governor of Jamaica. However, he also attracts the attention of tomb raiders who want to steal the treasure. (
aiming for development to draft script by the end of 2024




John Storm is the protagonist in Operation Neptune, a story developed by Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter Ltd.



Chat did not quite get the Treasure Island mention right. John Storm is searching for Henry Morgan's treasure.





In the developing 2nd series OPERATION NEPTUNE: THE LOST CITY OF ATLANTIS seems to attract good reviews, where ocean pollution extremists hijack a nuclear submarine, to continue their protests at sea, and accidentally discover a sunken city, that could be Atlantis.







As you may have spotted, Chat did not quite get that right. It is not John Storm who escapes from custody. It is the environmental extremists, who were set up, and want to clear their name. Nor are there any Nazi fanatics or cloning in this story. So be careful when using AI. AI searches are only reporting information on the web, sometimes amalgamating facts incorrectly, from different sources.





Operation Neptune is an original John Storm ocean awareness adventure that features the lost city of Atlantis, nuclear powered submarines, and Nazi gold. The story is set in the near future, when a group of environmental extremists, led by Red Simdo, discover a massive oil spill in the North Sea, caused by a secret drilling operation by a corrupt MP and his associates. They decide to expose the cover-up by staging a protest at the site, but they are framed for sabotage and terrorism by the MP and his allies, who include an MI6 operative and a Scotland Yard chief. Red and the other extremists escape from custody and embark on a quest to clear their names and stop the oil spill, involving the hijack of a Royal Navy Astute submarine, that is leaking radioactive coolant into the sea. Along the way, they encounter a sunken U-boat that leads them to the lost city of Atlantis, where they find ancient secrets and hidden treasures. John Storm must use his skills and courage to stop the corruption and save the Atlantic from a major nuclear spillage.



The first three adventures are where the main characters are established. John inherits a high tech autonomous ship from his Uncle, Professor Douglas Storm, who has disappeared in mysterious circumstances. John is an adventurous conservationist, obsessive in collecting DNA, from his days studying anthropology.


During these adventures, John rescues a giant humpback whale. In another foray, John accidentally becomes DNA enhanced, that coupled with his AI ship, makes him indispensable as an investigative marine archaeologist, and finally a secret agent (on a temporary basis). He is called upon to investigate the sunken remains of Alexandria, when he discovers Cleopatra's mausoleum.


There are three versions of the Cleopatra short story, one of which we hope will make it to the silver screen. What the 3 versions show is that he author(s) can adapt an original concept to suit different audiences:


- The 1st (Draft) is set in Brazil with New World Order occultists having stolen the Pharaoh queen's sarcophagus, leading to recovery, of a cloned Pharaoh Queen, reincarnate, who John Storm has to rescue for the CIA. This version is published in script form. - The 2nd (Draft) is set in Europe, where scientists (secretly) belonging to the 'Novus Illuminatum' develop the cloning technology while looking for a cure for cancer, while John Storm finds Cleopatra's mummy. And then Egypt, and John Storm fall prey to a bribe by the richest man in the world, to prove their cloning technology using Cleopatra's DNA - a wager - that Storm and the Egyptian Prime Minister agree to. The bribe being an irresistible sum of money to boost their coffers. And then the CIA steal the cloned Cleopatra, with Storm being forced to effect a rescue. - In the 3rd Draft adaptation, the antagonist is Professor Krafenstein, actually Baron Victor Frankenstein VI, following in the footsteps of his infamous descendents, taking up the torch, as he acquires a sample of Cleopatra's DNA from John Storm, and cannot resist the temptation to recreate the most famous woman in history.





Hal artificial intelligence onboard the Elizabeth Swann

A. Hello, this is Bing. I can tell you about the Hal AI system onboard the Elizabeth Swann, a solar and hydrogen powered trimaran. Hal is an artificially intelligent program that manages the energy use, the trim of the solar wings and wind turbine, and the geospatial data harvesting of the vessel [1] [2]. Hal was created by Professor Douglas Storm, the uncle of John Storm, the protagonist of a fictional ocean adventure franchise [3]. Hal works alongside Captain Nemo, the name for the autonomous navigation autopilot system, to guide the Elizabeth Swann across the oceans [4]. Hal is also designed to interface with the media and alert the crew to visitors when moored at dockside locations [1]. Hal is inspired by the AI character from Stanley Kubrick’s Space Odyssey 2001, based on Arthur C Clarke’s short stories [2]






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This website is Copyright © 2024 Cleaner Ocean Foundation and Jameson Hunter, protected by the Berne Convention.

The names Kulo Luna,Elizabeth Swann™ and John Storm™ are trade marks.