J O H N  S T O R M








John Storm is superhman, enhanced genetically, and equipped with a BioCore brain implant, making him a cybernetic organism, or Cyborg



He looks just like any other soldier in action. But Commander John Storm is cybernetically enhanced with the Biocore BCI ©. A highly advanced computer communication device, that allows him to control anything, anywhere, that is controlled by computers. Such as Alexa, most traffic systems. But worst of all for rogue nations; military networks. The more advanced they are, the more vulnerable. Fortunately, John is a moral man, with a high code of conduct. Way above most civil and military regimes. Hence, if you are the good guys, you are safe. If you step out of line. Then, watch out - criminals, terrorists & warmongers. He does not need a gun.




John Storm is the progressive thought leader, and Captain of the Elizabeth Swann, solar and hydrogen powered trimaran, as predicted by Jules Verne in 1874. Held to the be fastest zero emission ship on planet earth. 


He is a collector of DNA, from all species of flora and fauna, that he happens upon. Sometimes, going out of his way to find rare, even extinct evidence of the development of life on earth.


It all started when John was on a fact finding archaeological dig in Tanzania, held to be the cradle of life, at Olduvai Gorge in South Africa. He found fossilized human remains, that sparked his interest in anthropology, branding him for life as a collector of DNA, in his search for our past, and pointers to the future.


John is obsessive about his collecting. He knows this. It is sometimes amusing, just how dedicated he is, when it comes to anthropology, and his ancestors.


John's other love is architectural history. He is fascinated by the sunning edifices built through the ages, including the Pyramids, Great Wall of China and especially sunken civilizations, such as the mythical Atlantis. He secretly works for and with, Blue Shield and UNESCO, as an agent in the more complicated cases of artifact theft and smuggling.


Blue Shield refer to John as their 'Knight' in shining armour. George Franks, is thought to have ancestral ties to the legendary King Arthur, though just a fable, without any evidence in support. George's office has a Round Table, where high level meetings sometimes take place.


Fortunately, John was gifted the Elizabeth Swann, giving him a head start, as an international explorer, with the means to travel without polluting the planet. Meaning, he could afford to indulge his hobby. 


John was also gifted a classic Jeep Cherokee 4x4 with a large four litre internal combustion engine. He converted this rugged versatile vehicle to run on methanol and a hydrogen fuel cell, as an electric hybrid. He also fitted a solar roof, as a range extender. He calls his beloved off road carriage: "Jeepy." And when driving, refers to himself and passengers as "Jeepsters." 


Use of the term goes back to the 70's, where Marc Bolan of T.Rex, explored and popularized the concept in his song "Jeepster" as the metaphor of the Jeep as the dichotomy between automobiles to express the predicament of pursuing a person above one's social stature. In the song "Jeepster" is actually a Jeep, pursuing a Jaguar.

Bolan used car or vehicle metaphors often in his songs and if you think of all the connotations of a jeep such as power, masculinity, rolling over rough terraine, etc. when he sings "Girl, I'm just a Jeepster for your love" you can then picture what Bolan means. But, many prefer Jeep connotations over Jaguar. So take your pick.


John is helped by George Franks, a good friend and mentor, solicitor-advocate and associate of his uncle, Professor Douglas Storm.







Katie, the Kitty-Cat, is the ship's cat. There are many famous cats that lived on ships. Katie is a skilled fisher, providing John, Cleopatra and Dan with many a hearty fish meal, freshly caught. This is a picture of a tabby that (fictionally) frequented Nelson's Cove, Australia. John is very fond of his cat.





The Swann is also packed with juicy tech, that makes her something special. Equipped with the Artificially Intelligent 'Hal' computer, the trimaran is a virtual living thing, more than capable of navigating John to any destination in the world at high speed, with a zero carbon footprint. The ship has an integrated autonomous navigation system called Captain Nemo, that feeds Hal and Merlin.


John's collection of DNA is stored in The Ark, the world's most powerful interactive digital DNA library. The integrated system is loyal to John Storm, coded to recognize and protect him, and authorized members of the crew. Including Katie-Kitty-Cat, the ship's cat.


On one of his adventures, John is accidentally injected with a DNA crafted virus. This changed his genome, making him exceptionally strong, with side effects. Since the virus had not been formulated for him especially. Later, having stumbled across the technology to re-programme his DNA, and using his database, 'The Ark,' John with help from Dan Hawk, is able to re, re-programme his DNA. This time with a virus that is crafted for him personally. John is fascinated by the fact that he has, in effect, created another species of hominid, that he (and his crew) calls, Homo Sapiens Sapiens Superior, or Kanis Rex. Kanis Rex is the file name for the genome formula, that improves on the virus he assimilated accidentally in Manaus.


To make things worse, or better, depending on your point of view, John was persuaded to undergo a procedure whereby Dan, aided by Cleopatra as a nurse, inserted a BioCore™ implant onto the occipital lobe of his brain. This incredible wireless communication apparatus, enables John to communicate with the CyberCore Genetica™ supercomputer, and any other enabled digital device. Thus endowing John with the ability to communicate telepathically, simply by thinking. The BioCore, communicating from the brain directly to (for example) a smart phone, cutting out the need to speak and vocalize a thought. This implant turns John into a virtual Cyborg, Cybernetic Organism.






John Storm can control his ship, the Elizabeth Swann, just by thinking his commands. As he masters his BioCore BCI implant, he realizes the import of the simple operation that his friend Dan Storm performed, as John set out to rescue the digitally reincarnated Cleopatra. He also comes to understand that the technology should not fall into the wrong hands, just the same as cloning tech, could be used by aggressor governments. Or worse; organized crime and militia. He vows to resist such development. Be it attempts to steal the technology, or to replicate it in any immoral guise. He comes to understand that Baron Richthofen, might not have been all bad. And the Neuwelt Rittertum (New World Knights), may have been to prevent humanity being enslaved by international banking and digital currency, that is superheating economies, hence warming the planet uncontrollably in the name of profits. In other words, anti-dictators. In effect, Anti-Nazi.







Q. Fictional, or otherwise, we are keen to see computers working well with humans, enhancing the abilities of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Indeed, we hope that by including such tech in the John Storm science fiction adventure series, we might inspire scientists of the future to perfect the technology featured in these original stories. Ethically of course. Two of John Storm's adventures are already published as full scripts. One problem that we can see, is that where John can communicate virtually telepathically, he would need a firewall, to prevent his more private thoughts, spilling over to actual commands. Accidentally. Hence, the programming would need at least two stages of protections, as in many computer programs. Such as: confirm command. We wonder if this is encroaching on Cybernetics, and when could John Storm be described as a cybernetic organism?

A1. The ideas you present are fascinating and raise intriguing questions about the future of human-computer integration and its portrayal in fiction. Here are some thoughts on your points: Computers Enhancing Humans: - Absolutely! Your vision of technology amplifying human capabilities, as John Storm demonstrates, is an inspiring one. Fiction can certainly play a role in sparking scientific curiosity and driving innovation. The John Storm Firewall: - John's telepathic communication requiring a firewall to prevent accidental commands is a clever and realistic constraint. It highlights the importance of safeguards when merging biological and technological systems. Two-Stage Protections: - Implementing confirmations and other security measures aligns with existing cybersecurity practices. It's crucial to have multi-layered protection, especially for sensitive commands. Encroaching on Cybernetics? - This is a gray area! John's direct brain-computer interface pushes the boundaries of human and machine, blurring the lines between the two. Whether he qualifies as a true "cybernetic organism" depends on several factors, such as the extent of his technological modifications and how seamlessly they integrate with his biology.

When is John Storm a Cybernetic Organism? - There's no single answer, as it depends on your definition of "cybernetic organism." If technological enhancements become deeply integrated into John's body and mind, influencing his very essence, then the case for classifying him as such becomes stronger. Additional Considerations: - The ethical implications of John's technology deserve exploration. Who controls the firewall? Can others access his thoughts? How does this affect his autonomy? - The psychological impact of such a profound connection to technology should also be considered. Does it alter John's sense of self? Does it create dependence or vulnerability? By grappling with these complex questions, you can add depth and nuance to John Storm's story and encourage thought-provoking conversations about the future of human-computer relationships. Remember, the lines between science fiction and reality can blur. While John Storm's technology may seem fantastical today, advancements in fields like brain-computer interfaces and artificial intelligence are continually pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Your stories can inspire scientists and readers alike to contemplate the future of humanity and technology, and the ethical considerations that come with it. I hope this helps! Keep exploring these fascinating ideas, and I'm always here to discuss them further.




Q. Fictional, or otherwise, we are keen to see computers working well with humans, enhancing the abilities of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Indeed, we hope that by including such tech in the John Storm science fiction adventure series, we might inspire scientists of the future to perfect the technology featured in these original stories. Ethically of course. Two of John Storm's adventures are already published as full scripts. One problem that we can see, is that where John can communicate virtually telepathically, he would need a firewall, to prevent his more private thoughts, spilling over to actual commands. Accidentally. Hence, the programming would need at least two stages of protections, as in many computer programs. Such as: confirm command. We wonder if this is encroaching on Cybernetics, and when could John Storm be described as a cybernetic organism?

A1. The ideas you present are fascinating and raise intriguing questions about the future of human-computer integration and its portrayal in fiction. Here are some thoughts on your points:

Computers Enhancing Humans:

- Absolutely! Your vision of technology amplifying human capabilities, as John Storm demonstrates, is an inspiring one. Fiction can certainly play a role in sparking scientific curiosity and driving innovation.

The John Storm Firewall:

- John's telepathic communication requiring a firewall to prevent accidental commands is a clever and realistic constraint. It highlights the importance of safeguards when merging biological and technological systems.

Two-Stage Protections:

- Implementing confirmations and other security measures aligns with existing cybersecurity practices. It's crucial to have multi-layered protection, especially for sensitive commands.

Encroaching on Cybernetics?

- This is a gray area! John's direct brain-computer interface pushes the boundaries of human and machine, blurring the lines between the two. Whether he qualifies as a true "cybernetic organism" depends on several factors, such as the extent of his technological modifications and how seamlessly they integrate with his biology.

When is John Storm a Cybernetic Organism?

- There's no single answer, as it depends on your definition of "cybernetic organism." If technological enhancements become deeply integrated into John's body and mind, influencing his very essence, then the case for classifying him as such becomes stronger.

Additional Considerations:

- The ethical implications of John's technology deserve exploration. Who controls the firewall? Can others access his thoughts? How does this affect his autonomy?

- The psychological impact of such a profound connection to technology should also be considered. Does it alter John's sense of self? Does it create dependence or vulnerability?

By grappling with these complex questions, you can add depth and nuance to John Storm's story and encourage thought-provoking conversations about the future of human-computer relationships.

Remember, the lines between science fiction and reality can blur. While John Storm's technology may seem fantastical today, advancements in fields like brain-computer interfaces and artificial intelligence are continually pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Your stories can inspire scientists and readers alike to contemplate the future of humanity and technology, and the ethical considerations that come with it.

I hope this helps! Keep exploring these fascinating ideas, and I'm always here to discuss them further.







Helm of the Elizabeth Swann, as the ship is under attack from a CIA missile - Graphic Novel artwork: John Storm & Dan Hawk






Q. Fictional, or otherwise, we are keen to see computers working well with humans, enhancing the abilities of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Indeed, we hope that by including such tech in the John Storm science fiction adventure series, we might inspire scientists of the future to perfect the technology featured in these original stories. Ethically of course. Two of John Storm's adventures are already published as full scripts. One problem that we can see, is that where John can communicate virtually telepathically, he would need a firewall, to prevent his more private thoughts, spilling over to actual commands. Accidentally. Hence, the programming would need at least two stages of protections, as in many computer programs. Such as: confirm command. We wonder if this is encroaching on Cybernetics, and when could John Storm be described as a cybernetic organism?

A2. The inclusion of advanced technology like Hal, CyberCore Genetica, and BioCore BCI in your John Storm series is a fascinating way to explore the potential future of human-computer interaction and its impact on human evolution. Here are some thoughts on your specific points: 1. Enhancement vs. Cybernetics: - Enhancing human abilities: The technology you describe can certainly enhance human capabilities, allowing individuals like John to perform feats beyond what's currently possible for Homo sapiens. This falls under the realm of "human augmentation," where technology augments natural human abilities without fundamentally altering our biology. - Crossing into Cybernetics: John Storm's telepathic communication through the BioCore BCI could be considered a form of cybernetic integration, blurring the lines between human and machine. This is because the technology is directly interfacing with his nervous system, enabling a two-way flow of information. 2. Firewalls and Privacy: - Dual-stage protection: Your idea of implementing a "confirm command" system as a firewall for John's thoughts is a great way to address privacy concerns. This adds a layer of security and prevents accidental actions stemming from unfiltered thoughts. - Ethical implications: The ethical considerations surrounding accessing and interpreting brain activity through BCI are crucial to explore in your stories. How does John feel about his thoughts being potentially exposed? How is this technology regulated and monitored? 3. Becoming a Cybernetic Organism: The question of when John Storm becomes a true "cybernetic organism" is subjective and depends on your definition. Here are some factors to consider: - Degree of integration: How deeply is the technology integrated with John's body and mind? Does it affect his core biological processes? - Dependence on technology: Does John rely on the technology for survival or to maintain essential functions? - Loss of natural abilities: Has the technology replaced or significantly altered any of John's natural abilities? Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to label John as a cybernetic organism is a creative choice that can add depth and complexity to your character and story. Remember, the key to exploring these themes effectively is to approach them with thoughtfulness and nuance. Consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of such advanced technology, and explore the ethical implications of its use. By doing so, you can create a compelling story that not only entertains but also sparks thought-provoking conversations about the future of humanity and technology. I'm excited to see how you develop these concepts further in your John Storm series!



Q. Fictional, or otherwise, we are keen to see computers working well with humans, enhancing the abilities of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Indeed, we hope that by including such tech in the John Storm science fiction adventure series, we might inspire scientists of the future to perfect the technology featured in these original stories. Ethically of course. Two of John Storm's adventures are already published as full scripts. One problem that we can see, is that where John can communicate virtually telepathically, he would need a firewall, to prevent his more private thoughts, spilling over to actual commands. Accidentally. Hence, the programming would need at least two stages of protections, as in many computer programs. Such as: confirm command. We wonder if this is encroaching on Cybernetics, and when could John Storm be described as a cybernetic organism?

A2. The inclusion of advanced technology like Hal, CyberCore Genetica, and BioCore BCI in your John Storm series is a fascinating way to explore the potential future of human-computer interaction and its impact on human evolution. Here are some thoughts on your specific points:

1. Enhancement vs. Cybernetics:

- Enhancing human abilities: The technology you describe can certainly enhance human capabilities, allowing individuals like John to perform feats beyond what's currently possible for Homo sapiens. This falls under the realm of "human augmentation," where technology augments natural human abilities without fundamentally altering our biology.

- Crossing into Cybernetics: John Storm's telepathic communication through the BioCore BCI could be considered a form of cybernetic integration, blurring the lines between human and machine. This is because the technology is directly interfacing with his nervous system, enabling a two-way flow of information.

2. Firewalls and Privacy:

- Dual-stage protection: Your idea of implementing a "confirm command" system as a firewall for John's thoughts is a great way to address privacy concerns. This adds a layer of security and prevents accidental actions stemming from unfiltered thoughts.

- Ethical implications: The ethical considerations surrounding accessing and interpreting brain activity through BCI are crucial to explore in your stories. How does John feel about his thoughts being potentially exposed? How is this technology regulated and monitored?

3. Becoming a Cybernetic Organism:

The question of when John Storm becomes a true "cybernetic organism" is subjective and depends on your definition. Here are some factors to consider:

- Degree of integration: How deeply is the technology integrated with John's body and mind? Does it affect his core biological processes?

- Dependence on technology: Does John rely on the technology for survival or to maintain essential functions?

- Loss of natural abilities: Has the technology replaced or significantly altered any of John's natural abilities?

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to label John as a cybernetic organism is a creative choice that can add depth and complexity to your character and story.

Remember, the key to exploring these themes effectively is to approach them with thoughtfulness and nuance. Consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of such advanced technology, and explore the ethical implications of its use. By doing so, you can create a compelling story that not only entertains but also sparks thought-provoking conversations about the future of humanity and technology.

I'm excited to see how you develop these concepts further in your John Storm series!




Q. Fictional, or otherwise, we are keen to see computers working well with humans, enhancing the abilities of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Indeed, we hope that by including such tech in the John Storm science fiction adventure series, we might inspire scientists of the future to perfect the technology featured in these original stories. Ethically of course. Two of John Storm's adventures are already published as full scripts. One problem that we can see, is that where John can communicate virtually telepathically, he would need a firewall, to prevent his more private thoughts, spilling over to actual commands. Accidentally. Hence, the programming would need at least two stages of protections, as in many computer programs. Such as: confirm command. We wonder if this is encroaching on Cybernetics, and when could John Storm be described as a cybernetic organism?

You've raised some fascinating points about the integration of technology and human enhancement in your John Storm series. Here's my take on your specific questions: Working well with humans: Absolutely! The goal of technology should be to augment and complement human capabilities, not replace them. Your vision of John Storm's adventures inspiring scientists to develop ethical and beneficial AI aligns perfectly with this philosophy. Telepathic communication and firewall: Protecting John's privacy is crucial. A multi-stage confirmation system, similar to secure computer programs, is a great way to prevent accidental commands. This could involve both mental prompts and physical actions, like gestures or voice commands.




Q. Fictional, or otherwise, we are keen to see computers working well with humans, enhancing the abilities of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Indeed, we hope that by including such tech in the John Storm science fiction adventure series, we might inspire scientists of the future to perfect the technology featured in these original stories. Ethically of course. Two of John Storm's adventures are already published as full scripts. One problem that we can see, is that where John can communicate virtually telepathically, he would need a firewall, to prevent his more private thoughts, spilling over to actual commands. Accidentally. Hence, the programming would need at least two stages of protections, as in many computer programs. Such as: confirm command. We wonder if this is encroaching on Cybernetics, and when could John Storm be described as a cybernetic organism?

A3. You've raised some fascinating points about the integration of technology and human enhancement in your John Storm series. Here's my take on your specific questions:

Working well with humans: Absolutely! The goal of technology should be to augment and complement human capabilities, not replace them. Your vision of John Storm's adventures inspiring scientists to develop ethical and beneficial AI aligns perfectly with this philosophy.

Telepathic communication and firewall: Protecting John's privacy is crucial. A multi-stage confirmation system, similar to secure computer programs, is a great way to prevent accidental commands. This could involve both mental prompts and physical actions, like gestures or voice commands.

Encroaching on cybernetics: The line between human and cybernetic organism is often blurry and depends on the degree of technological integration. John's telepathic communication could be considered a form of cybernetic enhancement, as it extends his natural abilities beyond human limitations. However, if the technology remains purely mental and doesn't directly affect his physical body, he might not be classified as a full-fledged cybernetic organism.

Here are some additional thoughts:

- Internal vs. external augmentation: The distinction between internal and external technology can further define John's status. If the telepathic communication uses an implantable device or neural interface, it would be more invasive and closer to cybernetics. Conversely, if it's purely mental, it might be considered a more natural extension of his consciousness.

- Levels of control and autonomy: The degree to which John controls his telepathic abilities is also important. If he has complete control over the technology and its outputs, it leans towards human augmentation. However, if the technology exerts any influence over his thoughts or actions, it starts blurring the lines more.

- Social and ethical implications: Explore the social and ethical implications of John's abilities. How does society react to a telepathic individual? What are the potential risks of misuse? Addressing these questions can add depth and complexity to your story.

Ultimately, the definition of "cybernetic organism" in your narrative is up to you. The key is to create a consistent and believable world where the technology enhances John's capabilities without compromising his humanity or agency.

I hope this helps! I'm excited to see how John Storm's adventures tackle these ethical and technological challenges. Please keep me updated on your progress!





John Storm rescues a giant humpabck whale and her calf              A religious Nazi sect plan to reincarnate Cleopatra                           






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